
Pipelines-as-Code resolver #

The Pipelines-as-Code resolver ensures that the PipelineRun you are running doesn’t conflict with others.

Pipelines-as-Code parses any files ending with a .yaml or .yml suffix in the .tekton directory and subdirectory at the root of your repository. It will automatically attempt to detect any Tekton resources like Pipeline, PipelineRun, Task.

When detecting a PipelineRun it will try to resolve it as a single PipelineRun with an embedded PipelineSpec of the referenced Task or Pipeline. This embedding ensures that all dependencies required for execution are contained within a single PipelineRun at the time of execution on the cluster.

The Pipelines-as-Code resolver is a different concept than the Tekton resolver, both are compatible and you can have the Tekton resolver within Pipelines-as-Code PipelineRun.

In any case of errors in any YAML files, parsing will halt, and errors will be reported on both the Git provider interface and the event’s Namespace stream.

The resolver will then transform the Pipeline Name field to a GenerateName based on the Pipeline name to ensure each PipelineRun is unique.

If you want to split your Pipeline and PipelineRun, you can store the files in the .tekton/ directory or its subdirectories. Pipeline and Task can as well be referenced remotely (see below on how the remote tasks are referenced).

The resolver will skip resolving if it sees these type of tasks:

It just uses them “as is” and will not try to do anything with it.

If Pipelines-as-Code cannot resolve the referenced tasks in the Pipeline or PipelineSpec, the run will fail before applying the pipelinerun onto the cluster.

You should be able to see the issue on your Git provider platform interface and inside the events of the target namespace where the Repository CR is located.

If you need to test your PipelineRun locally before sending it in a PR, you can use the resolve command from the tkn-pac CLI See CLI command to learn on how to use it.

Remote Task annotations #

Pipelines-as-Code support fetching remote tasks or pipeline from a remote location with annotations on PipelineRun.

If the resolver sees a PipelineRun referencing a remote task or a Pipeline in a PipelineRun or a PipelineSpec it will automatically inline them.

If multiple annotations reference the same task name the resolver will pick the first one fetched from the annotations.

An annotation to a remote task looks like this : "git-clone"

or multiple tasks with an array : "[git-clone, pylint]"

Tekton Hub Support for Tasks # "git-clone"

The syntax above installs the git-clone task from the tekton hub repository querying for the latest version with the tekton hub API.

You can have multiple tasks in there if you separate them by a comma , around an array syntax with bracket: "[git-clone, golang-test, tkn]"

You can have multiple lines if you add a -NUMBER suffix to the annotation, for example : "git-clone" "golang-test" "tkn"

By default, Pipelines-as-Code will interpret the string as the latest task to grab from tekton hub.

If you want to have a specific version of the task, you can add a colon : to the string and a version number, like in this example : "[git-clone:0.1]" # this will install git-clone 0.1 from tekton.hub

Custom Tekton Hub Support for Tasks #

Additionally if the cluster administrator has set-up a custom Tekton Hub you are able to reference it from your template like this example: "[anothercatalog://curl]" # this will install curl from the custom catalog configured by the cluster administrator as anothercatalog

There is no fallback to the default Tekton Hub if the custom Tekton Hub does not have the task referenced it will fail.

There is no support for custom hub from the CLI on the tkn pac resolve command.

Remote HTTP URL #

If you have a string starting with http:// or https://, Pipelines-as-Code will fetch the task directly from that remote URL : "[https://remote.url/task.yaml]"

Remote HTTP URL from a private repository #

If you are using the GitHub or the GitLab provider and If the remote task URL uses the same host as where the repository CRD is, Pipelines-as-Code will use the provided token to fetch the URL using the GitHub or GitLab API.

GitHub #

When using the GitHub provider if you have a repository URL looking like this :

and the remote HTTP URLs is a referenced GitHub “blob” URL:

If the remote HTTP URL has a slash (/) in the branch name you will need to HTML encode with the %2F character, example:

It will be use the GitHub API with the generated token to fetch that file. This allows you to reference a task or a pipeline from a private repository easily.

GitHub app token are scoped to the owner or organization where the repository is located. If you are using the GitHub webhook method you are able to fetch any private or public repositories on any organization where the personal token is allowed.

There is settings you can set in the Pipelines-as-Code Configmap to control that behaviour, see the secret-github-app-token-scoped and secret-github-app-scope-extra-repos settings in the settings documentation.

GitLab #

This same applies to GitLab URL as directly copied from GitLab UI like this:

or GitLab raw URL like this:

The GitLab token as provider in the Repository CR will be used to fetch the file.

Tasks or Pipelines inside the repository #

Additionally, you can as well have a reference to a task or pipeline from a YAML file inside your repository if you specify the relative path to it, for example : "[share/tasks/git-clone.yaml]"

This will grab the file share/tasks/git-clone.yaml from the current repository on the SHA where the event come from (i.e: the current pull request or the current branch push).

If there is any error fetching those resources, Pipelines-as-Code will error out and not process the pipeline.

If the object fetched cannot be parsed as a Tekton Task it will error out.

Remote Pipeline annotations #

Remote Pipeline can be referenced by annotation, allowing you to share a Pipeline across multiple repositories.

Only one pipeline annotation( for remote pipeline is allowed on the PipelineRun. Also, the value of the annotation should have one pipeline. Annotations like are not supported.

An annotation to a remote pipeline looks like this, using a remote URL: "https://git.provider/raw/pipeline.yaml

or from a relative path inside the repository: "./tasks/pipeline.yaml

Tekton Hub Support for Pipelines # "[buildpacks]"

The syntax above installs the buildpacks pipeline from the tekton hub repository querying for the latest version with the tekton hub API.

If you want to have a specific version of the pipeline, you can add a colon : to the string and a version number, like in this example : "[buildpacks:0.1]" # this will install buildpacks 0.1 from tekton hub

Custom Tekton Hub Support for Pipelines #

Additionally if the cluster administrator has set-up a custom Tekton Hub you are able to reference it from your template like this example: "[anothercatalog://buildpacks:0.1]" # this will install buildpacks from the custom catalog configured by the cluster administrator as anothercatalog

Overriding tasks from a remote pipeline on a PipelineRun #

Tasks from a remote Pipeline override is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not currently supported and might not be functionally complete. We do not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to an upcoming Pipelines-as-Code features, enabling you to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

Remote task annotations on the remote pipeline are supported. No other annotations like on-target-branch, on-event or on-cel-expression are supported.

If a user wants to override one of the tasks from the remote pipeline, they can do so by adding a task in the annotations that has the same name In their PipelineRun annotations.

For example if the user PipelineRun contains those annotations:

kind: PipelineRun
  annotations: "https://git.provider/raw/pipeline.yaml" "./my-git-clone-task.yaml"

And the Pipeline referenced by the annotation in “https://git.provider/raw/pipeline.yaml” contains those annotations:

kind: Pipeline
  annotations: "git-clone"

In this case if the my-git-clone-task.yaml file in the root directory is a task named git-clone it will be used instead of the git-clone on the remote pipeline that is coming from the Tekton Hub.

Task overriding is only supported for tasks that are referenced by a taskRef to a Name, no override is done on Tasks embedded with a taskSpec. See Tekton documentation for the differences between taskRef and taskSpec:

Tasks or Pipelines Precedence #

From where tasks or pipelines of the same name takes precedence?

For the remote Tasks, when you have a taskRef on a task name, Pipelines-as-Code will try to find the task in this order:

  1. A task matched from the PipelineRun annotations
  2. A task matched from the remote Pipeline annotations
  3. A task matched fetched from the Tekton directory (the tasks from the .tekton directory and its sub-directories are automatically included)

For the remote Pipeline referenced on a pipelineRef, Pipelines-as-Code will try to match a pipeline in this order:

  1. The Pipeline from the PipelineRun annotations
  2. The Pipeline from the Tekton directory (pipelines are automatically fetched from the .tekton directory and its sub-directories)